Are You A Lead Follower?
On Daily Faith, we are talking about the power of leadership and discovering our roles within the Kingdom of God. Joining us is Pastor Earl Glisson of Anchor Faith Church in St. Augustine, FL. Pastor Glisson has led his church by the example Jesus gave us in the Bible, led by the Spirit. He has recently written a new book, Lead Follower: Uncommon Leadership, that he would like to discuss with you today. Jesus is the most excellent example of leadership we have in the Bible. He was led by the Spirit, intentionally listening to the heart of God, and sent to reestablish the Kingdom of God on the Earth. We, too, can hear the voice of the Lord. When we incline our hearts to listen to what the Lord is saying, we can hear Him speak to us. It’s when we walk in obedience through submission to the Lord that the Spirit is leading us. The Holy Spirit won’t lead you down the wrong path; He was sent to be our helper in all things, guiding us into all truth, that is the Word of God. So, as we share the love of Jesus with others, through mentoring and discipleship, doing our part in the Kingdom of God, Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18. For more information about Anchor Faith Church with Pastor Earl Glisson, please visit And to get a copy of his new book, visit
The Orphans Hands is the very center of our outreach ministry. For the past 30 years, we have been rescuing and helping orphaned children from the risks of human trafficking in Eastern Europe. In addition, we have a ministry of homes in the country of Moldova and a house in Ukraine. Vatra Village is a safe place for these children to learn the ways of the Lord. They become sons and daughters of Christ, who have turned into missionaries reaching out to the villages where they came. We tell them, “if you were born, God has a plan.” They have been given a second chance at life to see themselves as God sees them and given the tools to discover what it means to be lead by the Holy Spirit, where they’re now helping others reach their full potential in the Kingdom of God. Our kids have an outreach ministry during the summertime, where they host summer camps for the youth in the surrounding villages. They are currently preparing skits, dramas, and music to share the love of Jesus and the reason He came to save. They are putting faith into action and leading a new generation to Jesus. Thank you for your continued prayers and support! For more information about The Orphans Hands ministry, please visit
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