As In The Days of Noah

On Daily Faith, joining us today to share an inspirational word from the heart of God is Pastor Teresa Pritchard. Pastor Teresa co-pastors Fayetteville Community Church in Fayetteville, NC, with her husband, Pastor Wesley Pritchard, serving in the ministry for over 20 years. Today, Pastor Teresa is sharing the Word of God from Matthew 24:37. It says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” As the Earth groans for the return of Jesus, we are living in the most unprecedented times in the history of the world. The hearts of men are growing cold to the voice of the Lord, violence is the first thing we turn to, and wars are beginning to rage. Amid rebellious people, Noah was righteous and blameless before God. He found grace and favor in God’s sight. Pastor Teresa explains the key to having a heart like Noah is walking with God daily. As the body of Christ, it’s our responsibility to train and teach our younger generations about Jesus, understand the times, and be the godly influence they need to survive in these trying times. We may not know the time or the hour, but Jesus is coming back, and we want to encourage your faith, asking God to help you be an anchor of hope and godly influence for your generation. For more information about Fayetteville Community Church with Pastors Wesley and Teresa Pritchard and to register for their women’s ministry, please see

Moldova has one of the highest death rates due to alcohol abuse in Europe. This travesty breaks up the homes, often sending their children to grow up in an orphanage. It’s a fight for their lives, and they grow up without knowing the love of a family. When they age out of the system, they are kicked out on the streets with nowhere to turn, leaving them subject to the risks and false hopes of the human traffickers. For over thirty years, the Orphans Hands ministry has been saving the lives of these young abandoned children in Moldova and Ukraine. We have a village of homes in Moldova and a house in Odessa, Ukraine. No longer orphans but sons and daughters of God, they’re discovering the grace of God and how to be a positive influence to their peers. The Russian war on Ukraine has caused us to evacuate our home in Odessa safely. As the threats of war linger, our kids have activated their faith and are actively ministering to the needs of the Ukrainian refugees. Our convoys supply food, blankets, and Bibles, bringing hope to another lost generation. Thank you for your kindness and support for the Orphan’s Hands. To learn more about how you can help support a convoy of love through the Orphans Hands ministry, please visit

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