Build a Strong Foundation in Christ with Pastor Thomas McDaniels
Joining us on Daily Faith is Pastor Thomas McDaniels. He is the founder of Life Bridge, host of the DayMaker podcast, Church Planter, and a dedicated Teacher of the Scripture. Pastor McDaniels has accomplished significant steps for the Kingdom of God throughout his journey. Today, his message centers on our foundation in Christ, urging us to examine our anchor—is it firmly fastened to the Rock, Jesus Christ? With a sure foundation, life’s storms may batter us, but we won’t falter.
To establish a strong foundation in the Lord, we must immerse ourselves in the Word of God, seeking humility, clarity, wisdom, and strength. We can align ourselves with His purpose by inviting the Lord to reveal where He is working, considering His ways. It all begins with returning to the basics: reading the Word, praying, and taking action based on our learning. As we do this, we’ll experience a wellspring of life bubbling up within us like living water, assuring us of victory in our battles. The truth found in God’s Word serves as the answer to everything in life.
For more information about LifeBridge Church with Pastor Thomas McDaniels, please visit, and for more recourses from Pastor Thomas, see
Have you taken the time to sit and consider the ways of Jesus? How He would walk and talk with people that the world would cast off. How He let the little ones come to Him anytime during His journey. That is the compassionate heart of God our kids at Vatra Village have learned and experienced. As young children, many of the kids at Vatra experienced pain and suffering, hunger, and abandonment before coming. They were stripped of everything they once knew and forced to live a life that wasn’t theirs.
The Orphans Hands ministry has rescued the lives of countless children who are now experiencing God’s love through a loving family and friends at Vatra Village and in our home in Odessa. Together, their hearts are enriched by the word of God and established on a new unshakeable foundation. They have come together to host many Summer Camps in the nearby villages offering games, food, prayer, and studying the Word. Our camps are extensions of love and an overflow of God’s restorative power on display. We encourage you to learn more about the kids and their heart for outreach through our Constant Care teams. They are going and reaching those you can’t, but will you help them get there?
To learn more about how to support The Constant Care Ministry through prayer and giving, visit God bless you!
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