Building Permits
On Daith Faith, Pastor Buddy Meloy is back with us to share great revelations from the heart of God. Pastor Buddy Meloy is the Senior Pastor at New Life Christian Fellowship in Lake City, FL. He is an anointed prophetic pastor who contends for the truth of God’s word in a lawless society. A spirit of lawlessness has been unleashed across the country and around the world, which is one of the main reasons America is a mess today. The church has failed to use the voice God has given to stand up for righteousness. When we don’t use the gifts that God has blessed us with for his Kingdom, we begin to lose them. Society has deemed it okay to push aside The Laws of God, His truths, converting them to “My” truths. We have given the devil a building permit to build lies and deception in our homes, churches, communities, and government. Since the beginning, God has established His principles and commandments in the Bible that still apply to the church today. God has given you the power and authority to cast out and loosen the lies that the devil is trying to build around you. Don’t let the enemy create a stronghold in your life by willingly giving him a permit to do so. Daily Faith wants to encourage you to stand firm on the word of God, holding fast to God’s principles and finding out what they say about His Kingdom work in your life. Our prayer today is that you will have ears to hear and heed what the Lord is saying. For more information about New Life Christian Fellowship with Pastor Buddy Meloy, please visit
Moldova is one of the poorest countries in the world. Many kids are often kicked out of their homes by their loved ones and sent to an orphanage. They are constantly told that no one loves them, they will never amount to anything in life, and one day their children will be just like them. They are left with feelings of despair and hopelessness in their hearts. Our mission is to help rescue these abandoned children from the risks of turmoil and human trafficking. We have a village of homes called Vatra Village in Moldova and a house in Ukraine. Upon coming to our homes, they are told that “if they are born, God has a plan.” God has a plan for them in His Kingdom, that is, to share the love and gospel of Jesus in a lawless land. Our kids have learned who they are in Christ, building a foundation on God’s principles. They are now intensely preparing for their summer camps with skits, music, and dramas to portray Biblical stories for the kids in the surrounding villages. They want to show the world who God is and what He can do for them by sharing His love. For more information about The Orphans Hands ministry, please visit
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing On today’s Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Jerry Grillo, pastor of Church 180 in Hickory, North Carolina, to share a
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory On today’s inspiring episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Don Allen, pastor of The Church at War Hill, international
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Derek Draughon, a passionate teacher of faith, provision, and God’s miraculous power. Together,
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Wally Long, leader of Northside Baptist in Mt. Vernon, MO.
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God’s Fulfilled Word
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God's Fulfilled Word On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Keith Nix, lead pastor of The Lift Church in Sevierville,
Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson
Prophetic Insights on Trump, Faith, and America’s Future with Troy Anderson On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Troy Anderson, Founder and President of Inspire Literary Group and