Combat Human Trafficking: Say Yes to God
On Daily Faith, we highly respect this man of God and what he does to increase The Kingdom, as he shares the importance of an open heart and a Yes before God.
Pastor Troy Brewer is the Lead Pastor at Open Door Church in Burleson, TX. Not only are they impacting the Kingdom of God nationally but globally as well. They have various outreach ministries, food banks, rescue centers, homes, and retreat centers around the world that have rescued over 10,000 children and saved countless more by meeting their needs. They are living the call of James 1:27 daily, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
Recently, Pastor Troy was asked to speak before Congress at the International Summit of Human Trafficking in Washington, DC. He broke the silence by giving a voice to the voiceless victims of human trafficking and the horror it has brought upon our social systems through pornography to bring more awareness to save the lives of potential victims. You cannot be against human trafficking and be okay with pornography. Human Trafficking is a billion dollar industry that must be stopped. It’s time to break the silence and stand for righteousness according to the Word of God. We encourage you to do something about it because you will fall for everything if you don’t stand for something. Ask the Lord what your Yes looks like today!
To learn how to support putting faith into action through Open Door Ministries with Pastor Troy Brewer, visit,, and
If you’re unfamiliar with the Orphans Hands, we started our mission work 35 years ago in Eastern Europe. Since then, we have rescued countless orphaned children from the risks of human trafficking and abuse. The orphanages are a terrible place to live, where hope is silenced, and the light fades. Our mission revolves around their rescue – meeting their needs and giving them a haven of new families and friends, ultimately introducing them to the love of Jesus. We have a village of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village and a house in Odessa, Ukraine, that has become a home where once-orphaned hearts discover faith, identity in Christ, and a purpose in their Yes.
While the world struggles with the impact of war in Ukraine and the tragedy of the Turkish Earthquake, the flame of Jesus’s love burns ever brighter in their souls. Our kids are doing what they know to expand the Kingdom of God. As they organize summer camps, spreading joy amidst adversity, our kids are passionate about meeting their needs and reaching out to the suffering through our Constant Care ministry.
Discover how you can be part of the rescue effort, extending a hand to save lives beyond our capacity through our Constant Care ministry.
Visit to join this cause of compassion and rescue.
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