Create the Condition for Revival

On Daily Faith, we have Pastor Derek Draughon joining us to encourage your faith in the Lord. Pastor Derek Draughon is the lead pastor at Saraland First in Saraland, AL. As a watchman on the wall, Pastor Derek is a man that seeks after the heart of God, listening intently to what God is saying. God is speaking and confirming His word to many men and women around the world. There is a great revival stirring in the hearts of God’s people worldwide—those who thirst and hunger after more of God. People are searching for the truth in this barren and dry land. Pastor Derek wants you to know that God is not surprised by the wickedness that’s taking place in our schools, homes, communities, government, and leadership worldwide. God knows what is going on. He has allowed the waters to be stirred up as they were stirred at the pool in Bethesda to shift our focus on the source of our strength. Philip and Pastor Derek want to encourage your faith, enabling you to get ready for a new season of revival. Revival happens for a purpose, and we believe that the glory of God is going to be on display. To see what has never been done, we have to do what has never been done. For more information about Saraland First Church with Pastor Derek Draughon, please visit

The Orphans Hands is our mission work in Eastern Europe. We help to rescue unwanted and abandoned children, saving them from hopeless situations. In Moldova, the children who have grown up in the orphanages are kicked out when they become of age, leaving them subject to the real risks of human trafficking. Desperate and searching for love in the broken places, they are left feeling alone and fearful. We have become the point of interception for these children. We have a village of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village and a house in Ukraine. We have welcomed them into our homes, telling them, “If they were born, God has a plan.” Our kids are sent to school, cared for, and shared the love of Jesus with as they discover who is the source of their strength. Man has abandoned them, but Jesus never will. For months, our kids have been preparing for summer camp, and it’s finally here. They have designed skits, plays on stories from the Bible, and music to show them who Jesus is and give their testimonies of what God has done in their hearts. Many of these kids have never heard about Jesus and don’t know His love. Their prayer is to see God quench their hunger and thirst for more of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. We have a short clip and pictures our kids sent to show you what your generous support and prayers have helped to accomplish in the lives of others. For more information about the Orphans Hands ministry, please visit

  • Derek Draughon Faith in testing times God’s provision and miracles

Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power

February 5th, 2025|Comments Off on Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power

Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Derek Draughon, a passionate teacher of faith, provision, and God’s miraculous power. Together,

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Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson

January 17th, 2025|Comments Off on Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson

Prophetic Insights on Trump, Faith, and America’s Future with Troy Anderson On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Troy Anderson, Founder and President of Inspire Literary Group and