Cultivating Relationships: Sowing and Reaping

On Daily Faith, Philip’s guest is Pastor Mark Harrell of Victory Christian Fellowship in Somerset, KY. Pastor Mark grew up in Louisiana and attended Bethany Baptist Church, and it’s there where he met Simon Cameron, Philip’s father, many years ago. Simon Cameron was a mighty man of God that Pastor Mark looked up to at a young age, and he cherished the words that Simon Cameron spoke. Pastor Mark hid those words in his heart and used them to encourage his daily walk with Jesus. That is what Daily Faith is here to do. We want to sow seeds of faith, encouragement into your heart, giving you a Rhema word from heaven to hold on to that will guide you along your faith journey with Jesus. Life is about the relationships that we make and how we steward what God has given us. You may never know the impact your words have in someone else’s life. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and when we speak God’s truth and life over someone’s life, seeds of hope and faith are deposited into their hearts by His love. The earth is the Lord’s harvest field, and you are the sower that God wants to use to minister through. Just as God transformed Simon Cameron’s heart many years ago, speaking words of wisdom, he was sowing seeds of faith to those around him. We want to help you become a kingdom thinker who will boldly speak the truth of Jesus to a dying world. For more information about Victory Christian Fellowship with Pastor Mark Harrell, please visit

Did you know that Moldova is one of the poorest countries in the world? It has the highest death rate led by drug and alcohol consumption. In this impoverished country, orphaned and abandoned children are subject to the risks of human trafficking. These kids are told that no one loves them, and they will never become anything in life. Once they come of age, the orphanages send them back to the places where they came. We have a ministry of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village. We help save them from the perils of a devastating life and have sown a seed of hope, faith, and encouragement into their hearts. It is a safe place for these lost children to learn about the gospel of Jesus, becoming sons and daughters. We are witnessing the transforming light of Jesus shining through them as they leave the pain they have experienced in the past. No longer slaves to fear and rejection, they are rebuilding Godly relationships with those who abandoned them, reaping blessings of hope for their future. For more information about The Orphans Ministry, please visit

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Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power

February 5th, 2025|Comments Off on Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power

Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Derek Draughon, a passionate teacher of faith, provision, and God’s miraculous power. Together,

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Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson

January 17th, 2025|Comments Off on Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson

Prophetic Insights on Trump, Faith, and America’s Future with Troy Anderson On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Troy Anderson, Founder and President of Inspire Literary Group and