Daily Faith with Philip Cameron: Guest Pastor Buddy Meloy
On the Daily Faith show, Pastor Buddy Meloy is back with us to continue speaking about what the Lord has been sharing with him. Opinions, knowledge, and thoughts are all components of a stronghold. Strongholds happen in your life when an opinion exalts itself above the name of Jesus. When we have a negative stronghold in our life, it can hinder what the Lord is trying to accomplish in that area. Today, Pastor Meloy wants to share this simple solution with you. In all the chaos and confusion, there’s only one name that can change things, the name of Jesus. If you are facing a battle and feel that all hope is lost, speak the name of Jesus. The enemy has to flee at the mention of the name Jesus. We want to encourage your faith, that no matter what you’re facing today, turn those thoughts around and put a song of praise on your lips, for God operates on the platform of our praise, and there’s wonder-working power in the mighty name of Jesus! Pastor Buddy Meloy pastors at New Life Christian Fellowship in Lake City, FL.
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing On today’s Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Jerry Grillo, pastor of Church 180 in Hickory, North Carolina, to share a
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory On today’s inspiring episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Don Allen, pastor of The Church at War Hill, international
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Derek Draughon, a passionate teacher of faith, provision, and God’s miraculous power. Together,
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Wally Long, leader of Northside Baptist in Mt. Vernon, MO.
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God’s Fulfilled Word
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God's Fulfilled Word On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Keith Nix, lead pastor of The Lift Church in Sevierville,
Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson
Prophetic Insights on Trump, Faith, and America’s Future with Troy Anderson On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Troy Anderson, Founder and President of Inspire Literary Group and