Experiencing God’s Grace and Unmerited Favor
On Daily Faith, Pastor Craig Walker of Upward Church joins us today. He is a missionary and pastor for Jesus, changing the world through modern technology. He is the Founder of Wifi Jesus, which has reached hundreds of thousands by working with the local churches in Pakistan and Africa, hosting crusades, and witnessing healing and miracles, countless heart transformations for the Kingdom of God.
Today, Pastor Craig shares a powerful testimony of Grace. What does grace look like in your life? Grace is God’s unmerited favor in your life – meaning you didn’t have to earn it. It’s a gift from God. The word says it’s by grace that we have been saved through faith in Jesus.
Often, it’s easy to get stuck viewing others through the lenses of the past, but that’s when God offers you His eyes of understanding to see the world how He sees through a lens of grace. Jesus paid the highest price for us to live victoriously in this life. Pastor Craig’s story is a powerful example of healing and grace in what the world would deem unforgivable; God extends grace. As you go about your day, ponder the thoughts of God. How does God see you? What does His unmerited favor grace look like in your life? We can rest assured that God’s love, mercy, and grace are for everyone!
For more information about Pastor Craig Walker and his missionary work, visit www.craigwalker.org and www.wifiJesus.org.
For those who have learned about The Orphans Hands, we were there long before the recent war in Ukraine. We have a village of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village and a home in Odessa, Ukraine that has become a center of love for many orphaned, abandoned, and forgotten children. Some children have lived a life void of hope, some abuse and abandonment, while others have helplessness and fear. Yet, God’s grace and mercy transformed their lives when they came to us.
We have recently welcomed a group of new kids into Vatra Village who have already experienced God’s unmerited favor and a new family. We encourage them to give to those in need. This kind of outrageous giving breaks the orphan’s spirit within, freeing them from the past and welcoming the Father’s heart.
The war has brought many trials, yet our kids remain steadfast, learning, giving, and praying. They understand God’s grace and witness modern miracles from Christ’s love. They are God’s hands extended to the lost and broken through our Constant Care ministry.
A glimmer of hope goes a long way, and hope in Jesus makes a way! To learn more about The Orphans Hands ministry, visit us at www.theorphanshands.org.
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