Going Against The Currents of Life
On Daily Faith, our guest is Teresa Pritchard. Mrs. Teresa is a mother, grandmother, and co-pastors of Fayetteville Community Church in Fayetteville, NC. Today, Mrs. Teresa is here to encourage your faith and speak life to your inner man. She has recently written a book with the help of her two eldest granddaughters entitled, Against the Current. This book explains the challenges and difficulties of the river of life, called the world system. This world system is rapidly changing, making it hard to keep up, leaving us confused and emotionally unstable. Many people are struggling with their identity, mental illness, fear, anxiety, and depression. When we go with the flow of the world system, things and events in life seem to appear easy and acceptable. Yet, as Christians, we are not called to go with the flow of the world. We are called and designed by God to be set apart for His purpose. We are to be in the world, not of the world. When we give God our yes, we begin to go against the currents of life and swim upstream. This task is not easy; however, God has provided lifeguards and anchors that keep us safe and hold us tightly to the promises of God. God will be there with you in whatever storms you may be facing. So hold tight to God’s unfailing hand today, and be encouraged to fear not; Jesus knows your name! For more information about Teresa Pritchard’s book, Against the Current, please see www.teresapritchard.net.
The Orphans Hands ministry is the heart of our outreach ministry in Eastern Europe. We have a village of homes called Varta Village in Moldova and a house in Ukraine. Together we house over fifty kids who this world has rejected. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in eastern Europe. Often these kids are forced out of their homes and sent to grow up in an orphanage. They grow up with feelings of loss, sadness with no hope in sight. When they turn sixteen, they are kicked out onto the street, leaving these kids subject to the false hopes of human traffickers. They have been battered by the storms, tossed around by the currents of life; however, upon coming into our homes, they are now discovering their true identity by the love of Jesus Christ! The Orphans Hands ministry has been rescuing these unwanted children of the world and is providing a safe place to call home and a family who loves them. Their faith is strengthened daily by the word of God, who is the anchor for their soul. They would like to thank you for your generous support and thoughtful prayers from their hearts to yours! To learn more about The Orphans Hans Ministry and how you can help support Betzer House, please visit www.theorphanshands.org.
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