Goodness Creates Miracles

On Daily Faith, Pastor Troy Brewer joins us today from Burleson, TX, where he is the Senior Pastor of Open Door Church. Pastor Troy has served in the ministry for over 33 years. They have various missions and outreach centers, along with orphanages all over the world, that help save and rescue many children from the terrible abuse of human trafficking. Today, he has an inspirational story of God’s healing power and restoration that will encourage your faith that God is still in the miracle-working business. Did you know that the revelation of God’s glory is Him showing his goodness to you? When you’re following the Lord, He has prepositioned you for miracles along the way. God is a loving and gracious Father, and sometimes we get upset and complain that certain things didn’t go our way, but God was setting us up for a miracle the whole time. Like a hidden blessing. If you’re in the middle of a crisis and feel surrounded by the enemy, you can overcome this evil with the goodness of God when your heart is positioned on heavenly things, goodness, and mercy being to follow. It’s the goodness world of God. The goodness of God creates space for miracles to take place in your life that change everything. Pastor Troy Brewer has written a book entitled Good Overcomes Evil and wants to help you withstand the enemy’s attacks with the goodness of God! 

To learn more about Open Door Ministry with Pastor Troy Brewer, please visit To get a copy of Good Overcomes Evil, please visit

Our restoration story started 33 years ago, rescuing a little boy in an orphanage, and giving him a forever home. We have continued in the work of the ministry through The Orphans Hands, which is the heart of our mission work in Eastern Europe. In Moldova, many families suffer from poverty and the lack of social support, rending them helpless and sending their children to live in an orphanage. At sixteen, they’re given a bus ticket back to where they came, leaving the only home they knew. This peril leaves them hopeless and subject to the risks of human trafficking. God’s goodness and mercy have allowed us to save these helpless and abandoned children by giving them a warm place to call home at Vatra Village and our home in Odessa, Ukraine. Our kids are witnessing God’s miracles daily in their outreaches as they share the love of Jesus with everyone they meet! Little did they know that God was prepositioning them as a blessing, ministering back to kids and orphans as they once knew. As we prepare for the harsh winter, we ask that you help send a coat to those in need as a reminder of God’s love. 

To learn more about how you can give a coat to those in need this winter through The Orphans Hands ministry, please visit

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