Head Vs. Heart
On Daily Faith, Mike Coleman is here to share another revelation on the word of God. Mike Coleman is a former Pastor, Biblical Archeologist, and Radio Host. His passion is discovering and revealing the backstories behind the Scriptures to understand better how it applies in the world. Today, Mike Coleman uncovered a deeper look at Mark 9:23-24 and connected the missing links between belief and unbelief. What we believe is not always what we see. Our belief is stored in our hearts. When we know God’s word, we hide it within our hearts to use in times of trouble. We also have head knowledge about things stored in our minds, yet it can contradict what the heart says. Your mind is where the biggest battles of your faith begin. The word of God is not performance-based; it’s promised-based. Trusting in God requires heart faith, yet deep down, you know God will do what He said because of His promises. We want to encourage you that no matter what storm of life you face, take time to search the word of God and find your promise to stand on; as you do, the storm will blow itself out, and you will become stronger in your faith! We can think the worst or know the best; what will you choose today?
To learn more about Real Life Real Talk radio with Mike Coleman, visit www.realliferealtalk.com. And to discover more about understanding the backstories of the Bible, visit the website www.mikecolemanonline.com.
For over thirty years, we have saved countless lives from devastation and despair and brought hope to those in Eastern Europe. To the lack of support, poverty, and abuse, many families in Moldova send their loved ones to grow up in an orphanage. In the orphanages, they are shown the love of a caged animal. They age out of the system at age sixteen, are forced to the streets, and are subject to the lies of the human traffickers. Hopeless and alone, they begin to believe the lies. The Orphans Hands has a village of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village and a home formerly in Odessa, Ukraine. We take in these desperate children, provide, and share the love of Jesus. The power of God’s love has destroyed the lies they once believed in their minds and revealed His love deep within their hearts. This revelation of God’s goodness has enriched their faith walk to trust the Lord, no matter what they see. As the war rages in Ukraine, our kids are tirelessly giving back and ministering to the refugees. With your prayers and generous support, we have been able to send convoys of relief that help brings supplies to churches, providing food, blankets, and Bibles, offering hope for another day. Thank you.
For more information about how you can bring hope amid darkness by supporting The Orphans Hands ministry, please visit www.theorhpanshands.org.
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