Healing Our Racial Divide

On Daily Faith, to help us deal with the matters of our hearts is Pastor Derwin Gray. He is the co-founder and Lead Pastor of Transformation Church, Indian Land, SC. Transformation Church is a multi-ethnic and multi-generational, community-driven church whose heart is to see the love of Jesus transforms lives and communities through His grace. Recently, with the racial division, social injustice, and lack of compassion plaguing America and our world, Pastor Derwin has been blessed to see beyond the social rifts of our society with eyes of understanding. By exposing the sinful nature of the world and sharing how the love of Jesus can bring social reconciliation, he has written a new book entitled, How To Heal Our Racial Divide. The world is crying out for attention and love; people want to be accepted and not criticized. Jesus came to expose sin, call our hearts to repentance, and be transformed by the living word of God.   This is not for self-gain, it’s intended to share one another’s burdens, and in doing so, we unite as one body for the Kingdom of God. When our vertical relationship with Jesus is intact, this enables our horizontal fellowship with others. You can start today by showing a true act of justice; loving your neighbor—the kind of justice we need to see in the world.

For more information about Transformation Church, you can visit www.transformationchurc.tc, and to get your copy of Pastor Derwin Gray’s latest book, How To Heal Our Racial Divide, please visit www.howtohealourracialdivide.com

The Orphans Hands is the heartbeat of our mission’s work in Eastern Europe. We have a village of homes in Moldova and a house in Odessa, Ukraine. Our homes take in and care for the needs of those unwanted and deemed unworthy by their family and society. In Moldova, many children are forced out of their homes, abandoned, and alone, now orphaned with no place to call home. They grow up in an orphanage with no one to love them and share a hug. At the age of sixteen, they are kicked out of the orphanage, subject to the false hopes and lies of the human traffickers. Society doesn’t care for them as they struggle to find their way amid the racial divide. The Orphans Hands homes share the love of Jesus, which enables them to discover hope and unity within the body of Christ. They are now sons and daughters, turned missionaries reaching beyond the world’s grasp to help those in need. We are proud to announce that recently, a few of our kids have furthered their education amid the most challenging times of the Russian war on Ukraine, graduating with honors to become teachers, psychologists, and doctors. Our kids are ministering daily to the Ukrainian refugees with food, blankets, and Bibles with the love of Jesus. 

To learn how you can help support the next convoy of supplies through the Orphans Hands ministry, please visit www.theorphashands.org

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