Hearts of Generosity
Joining us on Daily Faith is Pastor Terry Drost. He is the Lead Pastor of Peckville Assembly in Blakely, PA. Peckville Assembly is a multi-generational church that co-labors in strengthening its community for God’s glory. They have a strong passion for mission and outreach, giving back to the community, and supporting the body of Christ. They exist to help others who can’t help themselves. Pastor Terry discusses the importance of having a heart of generosity. The posture of our hearts determines everything we do in life. It’s the center of our being and where all life matters flow. An old saying says, “you’ll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.” This means that kindness and love will get you further than being rude about a matter. If you’re facing a situation that only God can change, we encourage you to change the posture of your heart to give. The word of God says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Giving is how you break the orphan spirit that can hinder future blessings. Freely we have received from Jesus, and freely we shall give. So, give from the abundance of your heart; it can be your time, money, or lending your ear to listen. When you reach beyond your need, caring for the needs of others, thankfulness flows from the heart, sowing seeds for future blessings in your life. As you give by faith, remember you can never outgive God.
For more information about Peckville Assembly of God with Pastor Terry Drost, see www.peckvilleag.org.
Moldova is one of the harshest and coldest places in Eastern Europe during winter. One blanket or coat during this time can mean life or death. Due to the lack of social support and necessities, many families send their kids to live in an orphanage. In the cold orphanages, it’s a fight to survive, as helplessness breaks their hearts that no one will ever come for them. When these kids graduate from the orphanage at sixteen, they are kicked out with a bus ticket to a life of poverty and abuse, where the dangers of human trafficking become real in one moment. The Orphans Hands has become the intersection point for these kids by providing a warm place to live and grow in Jesus. Our kids are breaking the barriers of fear and discovering the power of thankfulness in our homes at Vatra Village and Odessa, Ukraine. These acts of kindness they’ve received have encouraged their heart to believe and give back. Right now, they’re reaching beyond their needs to help bring hope, food, and supplies to the Ukrainian refugees. Our kids have asked for your help to provide the warmth of a coat to those in need as they continue to give during the winter season. Your love and generosity mean more to these children than you know; Thank you!
To reach beyond your world and help us provide a coat for Christmas, please visit www.coatsbychristmas.com and www.theorphanshands.org.
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