Hunger for the Holy Spirit

On Daily Faith, we have a tremendous word from the heart of God to share with you from our guest, Pastor George Sawyer. He pastors at Calvary Assembly of God in Tanner, AL. The body of Christ, the Church, is in desperate need of Holy Spirit revival. One encounter with the Holy Spirit can radically change your life, opening wonderful doors of blessings and strength for you to reach others for the Lord by the word of your testimony. Pastor Sawyer believes the Lord is speaking to this church to get ready for another tremendous outpouring of His Spirit. What concerns him the most is we are too busy playing church to know when the Holy Spirit does show up. We want you to know that the Bible is not the old way of life; it’s our rule book to follow, beautifully guiding us along this faith journey with the Lord. We are in a heap of a mess in this world, and the only thing that can change it is a posture of humility before God. The Bible says Acts 1:8,But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” We, the church, are to be the witnesses of God, sharing the remarkable things that the Lord has done in our lives by the power and infilling from the Holy Spirit. We pray that the divine hunger from heaven will wash over your heart with a passion for more of Him. For more information about Pastor Sawyer’s church, Calvary Assembly of God, please visit

For those who don’t know, The Orphans Hands Ministry is the heart of what we do. We help rescue abandoned and orphaned children from the risks of human trafficking and a life of despair. We have a village of homes in the country of Moldova called Vatra Village. It’s one of the most impoverished countries globally and with a high death rate due to alcohol abuse. Vatra Village is a warm and safe home for these children to grow up experiencing the love of Jesus. They realize what the Lord has done for them and become sons and daughters of Christ, who are now missionaries for His kingdom. Most of our kids have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that often leads them to hunger for more of Him in their lives. Our kids have an insane desire to go out and reach the lost and dying of this world for Jesus. Jesus has radically changed their lives, and they want to share with you a video of what your prayers and support have done. Thank you!

For more information about The Orphans Hands Ministry, please visit  

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