Mind The Gap
On Daily Faith, the word of the Lord for you is, mind the gap! If you are in a season of waiting and have done everything you know to do, this message is for you! Pastor Derek Draughon is the Senior Pastor of Saraland First in Saraland, Al. He has a powerful word about minding the gaps of life that we often find ourselves in when facing opposition from the storms of life. The Lord allows us to go through times of testing and seasons of waiting for our next assignment. Those moments, Pastor Derek refers to as the gap between your ask and the answer. Over time, it becomes challenging to endure and maintain a posture of waiting for our answers, causing us to want to give up. However, you’ve come too far to give up now. The Lord wants you to know that you are not alone. He is in the middle of the gap season with you. Even though you may not be able to see Him working directly in your life, He is. God is at work, making a way through the wilderness to bring about His promises in your life. He loves you, and His word is true. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Although the battle isn’t over yet, you can take heart in knowing that this battle is the Lord’s! You’re one more heartbeat away from victory. Our prayer for you is as He whispers words of strength to your heart that you will find rest and comfort in His everlasting arms! For more information about Saraland First with Pastor Derek Draughon, please visit www.saraland.church.
Moldova is a country between two worlds. Due to poverty and lack of support in this area, most kids are often sent out of their homes to grow up in an orphanage or live in poverty-stricken homes. The Orphans Hands Ministry is the heart of our mission work in Moldova, Eastern Europe. We have been rescuing kids for over thirty years. When they become of age, they are forced out of the orphanage, leaving them subject to the risks of human trafficking. We have a village of homes in Moldova called Vatra Village and a house in Ukraine, where we take in these wanted kids, providing a place for them to rest and learn the ways of Jesus. Although our kids have endured times of extreme waiting and have felt stuck in the gaps of life, they have now discovered that their heavenly Father keeps His promises. They are experiencing God’s presence manifest in their lives like never before. We’ve recently welcomed thirteen more kids into our homes that we would like to show you. With your love and support through Jesus, we are caring for orphans and rescuing those in need. Thank you! To learn more about The Orphans Hands ministry and help sponsor a room in Betzer House, please visit www.theorphanshands.org.
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