The Last Minute God

On Daily Faith, we welcome back Pastor Craig Walker to the program. He is the Founding Lead Pastor of Upward Church, a multi-campus, multi-state church in Pensacola, FL. Have you ever been through a trial or circumstance that you thought would never end? Or have you ever felt that God forgot about you, which makes you want to throw in the towel? God sent us to help show you that He will be faithful in this circumstance, and He will show up for you right on time. God wants you to know that He sees you, and your name is written on the palm of His hand. That means that your name is ever before the Lord, and you are always on His mind. Some people give up right at the last minute, right before the answer comes. If you do not fold, God will come through for you. We can hold on to hope, knowing that we serve an on-time God! That is the word of the Lord God has placed on Pastor Craig’s heart to encourage your spirit. He has released a book entitled, Last Minute God. God is never late but always on time. It’s time to speak to your soul and encourage yourself in the Lord, allowing your mind to be renewed by the word of God! Don’t give up or give in. The God of breakthrough is on your side. “Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” Galatians 6:9 NASB. For more information about Upward Church with Pastor Craig Walker, please visit

Tired feet and weary souls, children are growing up in some of the worst living conditions in some regions of Eastern Europe. Moldova has one of the highest deaths due to alcoholism, forcing these children to live in an orphanage. The orphanages tell them that no one loves them, which leaves them desperate and hopeless for someone to love them. The Orphans Hands is the heart of our outreach work. We have a village of homes in Moldova called Varta Village and a house in Ukraine. When these young kids turn age, they are forced out of the orphanage, leaving them subject to the risks of human trafficking. We bring them into our homes and help provide a safe and warm home filled with the love of Jesus, which enables them to discover their identity in the Kingdom of heaven. The love of Jesus has restored their hope for the future at the last minute. No longer orphans; they are sons and daughters of God, ministering to those they once were. They want to show you a video they filmed on how your generous love and support has helped encourage their faith to pursue the Lord. Thank you! To learn more about The Orphans Hands, please visit

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