The Prepositioning of God
On Daily Faith, our Prophetic Pastor Buddy Meloy joins us to share God’s truth and the promises of God that are yet to be fulfilled on the Earth today! Pastor Buddy Meloy leads New Life Christain Fellowship in Lake City, FL. If you are in the midst of a fiery trial and have asked, how can they get away with this? Be assured that God sees all and knows everything taking place on the Earth. God has prepositioned events to bring about the greatest fulfillment of glory in your life. The key in these trying times is to remain close to the heart of God by keeping a clear vision of faith. The world may attempt to suppress the truth, but the Lord intends to reveal the truth of who He is through the power of the Holy Spirit. 2022 is the year of recompense, and God is bringing about great restoration in your life. God’s right hand is prepared for battle, and He is in the process of putting the enemy under His feet, turning your sorrow into joy! Pay close attention to the right hand of God, not to the left, but unto the right. Everything the Lord is doing in your life has prepared and positioned you for a greater blessing, anointing, and a move of His Spirit. To learn more about New Life Christian Fellowship with Pastor Buddy Meloy, please visit
The Orphans Hands ministry has been saving the lives of young orphaned children for over thirty years in Moldova and Ukraine. These helpless children are forced to live in orphanages, rejected and alone due to a lack of support and love. What we call graduation day is a sad day for these kids. They are kicked out on the streets with nowhere to turn. While searching for a place to call home, they are at the risk of human trafficking from the false hopes of the traffickers. The Orphans Hands is the point of intersection for these unwanted children. We have a village of homes in Moldova and a house in Odessa, Ukraine. The Russian war on Ukraine has caused us to evacuate our home in Odessa safely. Little did we know that God was repositioning our kids to be a greater blessing for the body of Christ. Our kids are active in this war by helping and ministering to the refugees by supplying food, blankets, Bibles, and a warm embrace. Upon coming to their new homes, they have discovered God’s love and recompense. As they step out in faith, they have become an extension of God’s right hand where fear is canceled and faith is rising. We want to thank you for your kindness and support for the Orphan’s Hands. To learn more about supporting the Orphans Hands ministry in our time of need, please see
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing
Dr. Jerry Grillo: Unlocking Faith & the 100-Fold Blessing On today’s Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Jerry Grillo, pastor of Church 180 in Hickory, North Carolina, to share a
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory
Dr. Don Allen’s Healing Testimony: Faith, Miracles & Victory On today’s inspiring episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Dr. Don Allen, pastor of The Church at War Hill, international
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power
Derek Draughon: Faith, Provision & God’s Miracle Power On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Derek Draughon, a passionate teacher of faith, provision, and God’s miraculous power. Together,
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials
Wally Long: Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith & Trials On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Wally Long, leader of Northside Baptist in Mt. Vernon, MO.
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God’s Fulfilled Word
Reviving Faith: Keith Nix on Trials & God's Fulfilled Word On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Pastor Keith Nix, lead pastor of The Lift Church in Sevierville,
Prophetic Insights on Trump & America with Troy Anderson
Prophetic Insights on Trump, Faith, and America’s Future with Troy Anderson On today’s episode of Daily Faith with Philip Cameron, we welcome Troy Anderson, Founder and President of Inspire Literary Group and