Tragedy Changes The Trajectory

Daily Faith is live in the studio with Bishop Jerry Grillo. Bishop Jerry Grillo is the Pastor of Church One80 in Hickory, North Carolina, an author and motivational speaker. Bishop Jerry has a powerful revelation that will change the trajectory of your understanding of Favor. Grace is God’s unmerited favor given to us out of love and mercy, which, when harnessed, can have the biggest blessings attached to it. From the very foundation of the Earth, God has already set us up for victory through the tragedies we’ve experienced. Yet, If we are going to walk in the victory, we must act like it. We have to stop gleaning from the fields of others and calling ourselves blessed. The key lies in getting up and knowing in our hearts that these trials are meant for our future success. You have a field of favor waiting for you. Bishop Jerry has written a book, Finding The Field of Favor, where he shares nuggets of truth for you to glean from God’s field. These tools are the keys to helping you discover your field of favor, full of God’s purpose. It’s time to understand His word, listen to His heart, and grasp His love for you. Be encouraged through the storm; there is a field of favor with immense blessings awaiting you on the other side.

To learn more about Church One80 with Bishop Jerry Grillo, see, and to get your copy of Finding The Field of Favor, visit

Our world of favor started with a little blessing called Andre. His mother once orphaned him at a young age and found him in a horrific state in the orphanage. Little did he know that his tragedy changed his trajectory, setting him up for the biggest blessing of all; Adoption. Andrew’s favor sparked a blessing in the lives of the other kids in the orphanage. We had found our field of favor. For over thirty years, The Orphans Hands ministry has saved and rescued the lives of countless children from a life of fear, pain, and misery. Once these kids were subject to the false hopes of the human traffickers, they now have discovered their own fields of favor and purpose through a heart of worship unto God. Our kids are sons and daughters, missionaries for the Kingdom of God. The grace of God has changed their course, where they walk in faith, wisdom, and favor. Recently, God has opened doors of opportunity to minister to the Ukrainian refugees, tirelessly meeting their needs through our relief convoys. These brave and courageous kids are passionate about sharing the same of Jesus they have received. Our kids know that harsh winter threats are on the horizon, and they ask for your help to share the warmth of God’s love through a coat this Christmas.

You can help The Orphans Hands ministry by sending a coat today. Please visit or

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