Walking in Humility

On Daily Faith today, we have an encouraging word from the Lord for you. Pastor Phil Stephens as our guest. He is the lead pastor of Southside Church AG in Lakeland, Fl. He has had the privilege of leading his church for the past 16 years, and during that time, he has seen the Lord do great and mighty things for them. During this pandemic, the Lord spoke to Him. He gave him a word of encouragement to share with all of us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says,If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This verse has carried him and his church through these difficult times, reminding them of the importance of developing a personal relationship with the Lord, listening, and getting to know His heart. This verse also comes with a condition for all of us, that if we set time aside from our busy schedules to seek the Lord with hearts of humility, He would hear from heaven and heal our land. Not only does this apply to the church, but it’s also for our daily walk with the Lord. What battles are raging around you? What is the Lord trying to speak to you, but we’re too busy to stop and listen? We are living in perilous times in America and around the world. It’s time, now more than ever before, for the body of Christ to stand firm in our beliefs against the powers of darkness. You are not meant to fight in this battle, be still and listen to what God is saying. Victory is yours! For more information about Pastor Phil Stephens church, Southside Church AG, please visit www.southsideag.com

The Orphans Hands is our mission work in Moldova, Eastern Europe, where we have a village of homes called Vatra Village. Moldova is one of the most impoverished countries in the world, caused by drug and alcohol abuse. Most of these children are sent to an orphanage when they are young or kicked out onto the streets, never knowing the love of a family. We help by rescuing these children from the hells of human trafficking by taking them in, telling them if they are born, God has a plan for their lives. In this newfound freedom, with hearts of humility from the Lord, they have an unstoppable desire to return to those fears they understand by sharing the love of Jesus with those who caused them pain. We want to show you a video of what your love and support helps to do in the lives of these once broken children. For more information about The Orphans Hands, please visit www.theorphanshands.org

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